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List of common Finnish diurnal moth taxa (large day active lepidopterans excl. Papilionoidea). Includes most common species that are not classically considered “butterflies”. The species list is based on Finnish Environmental Insitute (SYKE) Butterfly monitoring in Finnish agricultural landscapes (Maatalousympäristöjen päväperhosseuranta) and Finnish Society of Lepidoptera Researchers’ NAFI Butterfly monitoring scheme (Perhostutkijain seuran NAFI päiväperhosseuranta). Classic butterflies (Papilionoidea, incl. Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Hesperiidae, Lycaenida) were excluded, so the list comprises mostly of Noctuidae and Geometridae. Other common diurnal taxa were included on case by case basis. Hence, the list represents “most common and observable non-butterfly lepidopteras recorded during day times”.

The records include complete checklists of observer trips. Observers mark down each species or taxon they have observed. The data is
presence-absence or, optionally, presence-absence with abundance data. Abundance is recorded either in logarithmic scale (0 = 0 individuals, 1 = 1-10 individuals, 2 = 10-100 individuals, 3 = 100-1000 individuals, 4 = 1000+ individuals) or as precise user input. Observations must include location, date and time data.

Checklists should be considered to show real absences if correctly filled.

Aineistosta vastaava taho

Aineiston päivitys

Aineiston ajallinen kattavuus 1900 -

Aineiston historiatiedot


Aineiston metatiedot

Metatiedoista vastaa:

Suomen Lajitietokeskus

Metatiedot päivitetty 18.6.2024

Alkuperäinen metatiedon lähde

Aineiston tyyppi: dataset