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Lichenes Fennoscandiae orientalis (East Fennoscandian lichen collections) is part of the lichen collections of the Finnish Museum of Natural History. It contains lichen specimens from Finland and Russian Fennoscandia (Republic of Karelia, Murmansk Region and parts of Leningrad and Arkhangelsk Regions). The families Cladoniaceae, Parmeliaceae, Peltigeraceae and Verrucariaceae are especially well represented. Type specimens are being digitized and transferred into a separate Lichen type collection.

Aineistosta vastaava taho


Aineiston päivitys

Aineiston ajallinen kattavuus 1823--

Aineiston historiatiedot


Aineiston metatiedot

Metatiedoista vastaa:

Suomen Lajitietokeskus

Metatiedot päivitetty 21.3.2024

Alkuperäinen metatiedon lähde

Aineiston tyyppi: dataset