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Research infrastructures refer to tools, equipment, data networks, databases, and materials, as well as services that enable research, promote research collaboration, and strengthen research and innovation capacity and expertise.

Research infrastructures can be centralized, distributed, or virtual entities, or combinations of these. Europe has many large research infrastructures that are used internationally.

Research infrastructures often include smaller, independently operating infrastructures and form interconnected networks of research infrastructures. They can be related to or part of more than one research infrastructure.

Research infrastructures have diverse impacts and are often at the core of science and technology hubs.

This page compiles ongoing and planned research infrastructures essential for the development of nature information in Finland.

Research infrastructures for nature information

Tutkimusinfrastruktuurien kenttä: kansalliset ja kansainväliset
National and international research infrastructures for nature data

Many national research infrastructures are connected to international research infrastructures, which can be either regional (e.g., ESFRI) or global (e.g., GBIF and ILTER).

In terms of biodiversity monitoring, a key international collaboration network is GEO BON. GEO BON supports the development and work of regional, national, and thematic biodiversity monitoring networks. GEO BON has initiated the establishment of the Global Biodiversity Observing System (GBiOS).