Data search
With the data search, you have access to nature datasets from several organizations in Finland: the Finnish Environment Institute, the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility, and the Natural Resources Institute Finland.
This search tool offers metadata of the datasets and enables you to locate their sources. Please note that some features of the search tool and the data it retrieves are currently only available in Finnish. Stay tuned for updates on the coverage and functionalities of the data search.

Total 499 data sets.
4th Finnish Bird Atlas, observations from FinBIF Notebook
Agaricales Fennoscandiae orientalis
Kartassa on kuvattu ahvenen pienpoikasten (4–20 mm, ka 8,3 mm) esiintymisaluetta Suomen rannikolla. Alueet on mallinnettu Gaussisella prosessimallilla vuosina 2007–2014 kerättyjen kalanpoikashavaintojen ja paikkatietomuodossa olevien ennustemuuttujien perusteella. Aineiston spatiaalinen resoluutio ...
Algae collection of Iisalmi Natural History Museum
Algae Fennoskandiae Orientalis
Checklist of Finnish Amphibia and Reptilia, including aggregate taxa and invasive species. The list includes all Amphibia (frogs, toads, newts) and Reptilia (lizards, snakes) that are somewhat reliably recorded in ...
Kalantutkimuksessa ja ankeriastutkimuksessa kertyneet ankeriaan saalistiedot Evon kalantutkimusaseman koevesistä vuodesta 1896 alkaen 17 eri järvestä. Sekä vuodesta 1977 lähtien muiden sisävesien 42 järvestä ja vuodesta 2006 merialueelta 20 eri kohteesta. ...
Anthocerophytina & Hepaticophytina specimens
Aphyllophorales Fennoscandiae orientalis
Lepidoptera Collection contains about 21 000 specimen, collected mainly by Armas Järvelä from 1960’s to 1980’s.
More information on the data search
For more information about the data search, you can visit the “About the data search” page. Here, you’ll find details about the principles, functionalities, and coverage of the dataset search.
Adding datasets to the Finnish Nature Information Hub’s data search
We are continuously improving the coverage of our data search. Does your organization have datasets that we could add to the data search? Would you like to suggest a data source that is currently missing? Get in touch with us!