Nature now
Nature information is utilized for instance in assessing the state of nature and to support decision-making. The Nature Now section brings together a collection of links to websites where you can find up-to-date information on the state of nature, as well as explore various nature assessments and their outcomes in Finland and across Europe.
Insight into the state of nature
Luonnontila.fi is a website developed and maintained jointly by Finnish environmental research institutes and governmental agencies, bringing together up-to-date, research-based information on the state and development of biodiversity in nature.
The state of environment website on the Finnish Environmental Administration’s online service (ymparisto.fi) provides a concise overview of the state of Finland’s environment.
In the publication ‘European Environment – State and Outlook 2020’ by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the state of the European environment is addressed from the perspective of EU policies.
Information on the threat level assessments of species and habitats in Finland
The Red List of Species website (Lajien punaisen kirjan verkkopalvelu) presents the results of the 2019 assessment of the extinction risk of Finland’s species.
The Red List of Habitat Types (Luontotyyppien punaisen kirjan verkkopalvelu) website presents the 2018 threat assessment results for Finnish habitat types.
Information related to marine and aquatic ecosystems in Finland
Vesi.fi (water.fi) is a source of up-to-date information on water-related topics, serving both citizens and experts from various fields.
Marinefinland.fi gathers information about the nature, condition, and research of the Baltic Sea.
Information on EU’s Habitats Directives reporting in Finland
The EU’s Bird and Habitats Directives protect species considered important and their habitats. Compiled information on the Finnish reporting of the Habitats Directive and its outcomes can be found on the Environmental Administration’s website (environment.fi):